Vulcano hotels

Hotels on the Sicilian island of Vulcano in the Aeolian Islands of Sicily

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Right at the port, the comfortable Hotel Faraglione (tel. and fax +39-090-985-2180), has 15 rooms with bath, about half with sea views. They may close December to February.

Hotel Faraglione
Porto Levante, Vulcano, Isole Eolie. (To right as you step off the ferry, right on the port.) tel. +39-340-9024-427. Close Dec-Feb some years.
The wood paneling on some rooms' walls and ceilings give the place a vague ship's cabin feel fitting with its views over the port (rooms 8, 9, and terrace-sporting 11-14 have sea views). Don't let the nudie-girl calendar pages framed up the staircase put you off; the accommodations themselves are tastefully done with oil paintings, wicker or lacquer modular furnishings, tile floors, and firm beds. One drawback: the fanghi on the other side of the rock pillar this hotel abuts means a faint egg-stench lingers. Prices are a bit high for what you get (the higher rates apply in July), but not bad for the island and quite less than what the resortier places charge. The restaurant is nothing special, but the attached bar serves exquisite pastries.

Hotel Lanterna Bleu
Via Lentia 58, Vulcano, Isole Eolie. tel.+ 39-090-985-2178. No credit cards. Closed Dec 16-Jan 14.
A short hike down to near the end of the main Porto Ponente road brings you to one of the island's true bargains, with simple but sizeable stucco-ceilinged rooms of tile floors and sturdy wooden furnishings. Beds are firm, but baths a little cramped, with curtainless showers. Each accommodation comes with a small, shaded terrace that separates the sleeping quarters from a little enclosed kitchenette. There's an attached restaurant/pizzeria run by the same family that is actually rather good.

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