Planning a trip to Verona

image. (Photo by TK)

Practical information for a visit to Verona, Italy

Visitor info and sightseeing

Getting to Verona

Getting around in Verona

Tips & links

Useful links & resources

How long does Verona take?

Planning your day: You could knock off the major sights (plus lunch) in six hours or so, and thus visit Verona as a day trip from Venice (or en route to or from Venice, as Verona is one a main rail line).

However, Verona truly deserves an overnight of its own. Its sights are a bit spread out around town, so it sakes a little while to see them all, plus it is simply a lovely place to spend the evening, with the liveliest shopping, restaurant, and nightlife scene of any town in the Veneto region, along with some great hotels.

» A day in Verona

Verona tours

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Tourism info
Verona tourist information
Via degli Alpini 9 (in city wall, just off SE corner of Piazza Bra)
tel. +39-045-806-8680

Useful links
Train tix

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