Capri Hotels

The best hotels on the island of Capri

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Hotels on Capri
High season usually runs mid-June to September, when prices spike at Capri hotels. On the flipside, many hotels actually shut down in the heart of winter (especially Nov–Feb), though there are always a few open. Here are a few of my favorites.

Most guidebooks start with listing hotels in Capri Town, then add a few in Anacapri almost as an afterthought. To me that seems backwards. Yes, Capri Town is the main town—but it's also way more touristy and hectic, crowded with daytrippers and cruise boat passengers.

Most people come to the island of Capri to (a) see the Blue Grotto, and (b) have an idyllic and laid-back island vacation—and Anacapri offers that in spades. What's more, Anacapri is actually home to, or nearer to, all the major sights on the island (except the Villa Jovis).

Given all that—and my own druthers—I'd much rather stay in Anacapri and just take the bus down to visit Capri Town. So I'll start with some perfect hotels in Anacapri—the fact that they're remarkably cheap only adds to the allure.

Hotels in Anacapri


Hotels in Capri Town

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