Taormina sightseeing

A stroll down Corso Umberto, Taormina
A stroll down Corso Umberto, Taormina.

A passeggiata through Taormina: The Greco-Roman theater, Palazzo Corvaja, beaches, and other sights

The single most popular activity in Taormina is simply ★★ strolling up main drag Corso Umberto, window-shopping and people-watching.

Corso Umberto curves from Taormina's northerly Porta Messina city gate, through which most people first enter the town, straight through Taormina.

It passes through the central cafe-lined square of Piazza IX Aprile and leads all the way to the Piazza Duomo and the far end of town. We'll be following it in a minute, but first, a detour.

Taormina sidetrips

A detour to the Greek Theater

Just a few steps down the Corso, the street opens to the left into Piazza Vittorio Emanuele.

The single greatest sight in town, the ★★ Greek Theater, lies just a few blocks east of here along Via Teatro Greco (the leftmost, upper road leading off the piazza).

Definitely make the detour to visit. I'll wait.

OK, retrace your steps back to Corso Umberto and turn left to continue along it. Within two strides, another small square will open up, this time to your right.

This is the Largo S. Caterina, anchored on the north side by the Palazzo Corvaja.

Palazzo Corvaja

The courtyard of Palazzo Corvaja
The courtyard of Palazzo Corvaja. (Photo courtesy Comune di Taormina)
The Palazzo Corvaja is a fine 14th-century example of local masonry style, its gray limestone walls highlighted with black and white lava trim.

In addition to housing the town's little tourist office, the palazzo also contains the Museo Siciliano d'Arte e Tradizioni Popolari, a small collection of Sicilian folk art and crafts just up a staircase in the palazzo's pretty little courtyard. It's open Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 1pm and 4 to 8pm. (Adm)

On the west side of the little square is a tiny church of Santa Caterina. Walk around the right side of it for a peek-a-boo view of the first of Taormina's hidden Roman-era sights: The Odeon... » more


Tips & links

Taormina tourist information

Taormina tourist info:
Palazzo Corvaja, Largo S. Caterina/Corso Umberto
tel. +39-0942-628-322 or +39-0942-23-243

Public transit (parking, funivia, bus):
Trains: www.trenitalia.com

Tours of Taormina
Lodging in Taori

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Reid's Recommended hotels in Taormina
Hotel Villa Gaia [€€]
Villa Nettuno [€]
Hotel Villa Belvedere €€€]
Hotel Villa Schuler [€€€]
Hotel Villa Fiorita [€€]

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» B&Bs in Taormina (from €35)

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Agriturismi (farm houses) near Taormina (from €36)

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Taormina tourist info

Taormina tourist info:
Palazzo Corvaja, Largo S. Caterina/Corso Umberto
tel. +39-0942-628-322 or +39-0942-23-243

Public transit (parking, funivia, bus):
Trains: www.trenitalia.com

Lodging in Taormina

Find hotels in Taormina

Reid's Recommended hotels in Taormina
Hotel Villa Gaia [€€]
Villa Nettuno [€]
Hotel Villa Belvedere [€€€]
Hotel Villa Schuler [€€€]
Hotel Villa Fiorita [€€]

» More hotels in Taormina (from €39)
» B&Bs in Taormina (from €35)

» Apartments in Taormina (from €75)

Agriturismi (farm houses) near Taormina (from €36)

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