Sorrento hotels

The best places to stay in Sorrento

The budget dives lining the stretch of Corso Italia between the train station and the town center are just that: dives. Walk a bit farther, and you'll get significantly better quality (not to mention closer to the center of Sorrento) almost as cheaply.

If you're after a room with a view, ever-developing Via del Capo is a cliff top road leading out the far (western) end of town which is host to a number of generally cheaper hotels, most with sea views.

How to find hotels in Sorrento

Recommended hotels in Sorrento

Other lodgings in Sorrento

Hotels aren't your only lodging options. In fact, hotels are often the most expensive options available, yet rarely are the most fun or remarkable.

For a more memorable trip, you might want to try an alternative accommodation that (usually) costs less and (usually) affords you a better a chance to get closer to the local people and culture.

» More hotels in Sorrento [from €60]
» B&Bs in Sorrento [from €49]
» Apartments in Sorrento [from €49]

Tips & links

Lodging links
The price ranges

The price categories for hotels on this site are as follows:

Under €100
€€ €100–€200
€€€ Over €200

This reflects the lowest cost for a standard double room in low season.

Yes, that does leave a whole lot of wiggle room. Rates will be rather higher for, say, a "superior deluxe" room with a spectacular view at the height of high season. Still, we have to be able to compare somewhere—and using this metric does at least give you a relative sense of how the hotels compare to one another on price.

Since price ranges (€€–€€€) only muddy the issue, I will usually stick to a single designation for each hotel. The only time you will see a range is if a property offers more than one distinct category of lodging—not different types of rooms (many do that), but say a property that offiers, say, both private hotel rooms as well as hostel-like beds in a shared dormitory.

Useful Italian for lodging
English (Inglese) Italian (Italiano) Pro-nun-cee-YAY-shun
Good day Buon giorno bwohn JOUR-noh
Good evening Buona sera BWOH-nah SAIR-rah
Good night Buona notte BWOH-nah NOTE-tay
Goodbye Arrivederci ah-ree-vah-DAIR-chee
Excuse me (to get attention) Scusi SKOO-zee
thank you grazie GRAT-tzee-yay
please per favore pair fa-VOHR-ray
yes si see
no no no
Do you speak English? Parla Inglese? PAR-la een-GLAY-zay
I don't understand Non capisco non ka-PEESK-koh
I'm sorry Mi dispiace mee dees-pee-YAT-chay
Where is? Dov'é doh-VAY
...a hotel un albergo oon al-BEAR-go
...a B&B un bed-and-breakfast oon bet hand BREK-fust
...a rental room un'affittacamera oon ah-feet-ah-CAH-mair-ra apartment for rent un appartamento oon ah-part-tah-MENT-toh
...a farm stay un agriturismo oon ah-gree-tour-EES-moh
...a hostel un ostello oon oh-STEHL-loh
How much is...? Quanto costa? KWAN-toh COST-ah
a single room una singola OO-nah SEEN-go-la
double room for single use [will often be offered if singles are unavailable] doppia uso singola DOPE-pee-ya OO-so SEEN-go-la
a double room with two beds una doppia con due letti OO-nah DOPE-pee-ya cone DOO-way LET-tee
a double room with one big bed una matrimoniale OO-nah mat-tree-moan-nee-YAAL-lay
triple room una tripla OO-nah TREE-plah
with private bathroom con bagno cone BAHN-yoh
without private bathroom senza bagno [they might say con bagno in comune—"with a communal bath"] SEN-zah BAHN-yoh
for one night per una notte pair OO-nah NOH-tay
for two nights per due notti pair DOO-way NOH-tee
for three nights per tre notti pair tray NOH-tee
Is breakfast included? É incluso la prima colazione? ay in-CLOO-soh lah PREE-mah coal-laht-zee-YOAN-nay
Is there WiFi? C'é WiFi? chay WHY-fy?
May I see the room? Posso vedere la camera? POH-soh veh-DAIR-eh lah CAH-mair-rah
That's too much É troppo ay TROH-po
Is there a cheaper one? C'é una più economica? chay OO-nah pew eh-ko-NO-mee-kah
Sorrento's hotel tax

Sorrento now imposes an occupancy tax for stays between April 1 and October 31.

Depending on the category of lodging, this ranges from €1 to €2 per person, per night for stays of up to seven nights. (Guests under 18 years old are exempt from the tax.)

How long does Sorrento take?

Planning your time: Sorrento has maybe 2-3 hours of mediocre sightseeing. To be brutally honest it is probably the least interesting town in this area. It is only famous for its location.

Sorrento makes an ideal base for exploring Campania thanks to its location at the nexus of regional public transit—pretty much the only place from which you can get anywhere without having to change mode of transportation: Trains direct to Pompeii and Naples; ferries to Capri; buses or ferries down the Amalfi Coast.

If you prefer the home-base style of travel, Sorrento is the perfect base. Figure on three days/two nights here (hit Pompeii on the train ride down from Naples—you can store your luggage temporarily at the Pompei train station—then spend one day each visiting Capri and the Amalfi Coast).

If, however, you prefer to travel from town to town, just treat Sorrento as a way-station to switch from train to bus or ferry; skip Sorrento entirely and sleep in a more interesting locale on the Amalfi Coast or Capri.

» Sorrento itineraries

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